8081 API: Creating an API key for Development
Creating an API Key and Secret to access your 8081 account programmatically
If you want to write your own apps or scripts to access your 8081 account via our API interface, you've found the right guide!
The process is incredibly simple; head to the API Settings page.
Enable 2FA
If you haven't enabled 2FA, you'll be prompted to do so before you can create a 8081 API key, please complete this step, if you haven't already!
Now proceed with creating the new API key:
Click "New API access token"
Enter a descriptive name so you can remember later what this key is for!
Choose the permissions this key should have to your API account
Click "Create"
Copy and paste the API key and Secret to your favourite coding IDE or 3rd Party App
Wondering what all the Permissions are for?
Accounts Read - Read-only access to view the details of your linked Exchange accounts and balances
Accounts Write - Write access to allow creating/linking new exchange accounts, renaming and deleting existing linked exchanges
8Bot Read - Read-only access to view DCA bot and Grid bot configuration settings, also access to any deals created or active deals running
8Bot Write - Write access to allow creating new DCA and Grid bots, re-naming existing bots, and deleting existing bots. This permission is also required to be able to manage deals, start new deals and close or cancel active deals